« L’Homme qui avait perdu sa Voix »
« The man who had lost his voice »

Duration : 34 - 41 minutes

This work was commissioned by Radio-France, as a play of radiophonic .musical theater.
It lasts fourty-one minutes.
However it was necessary to produce another version, shortening the piece directly from a copy of the tape, in order to allow its broadcasting within the context of thirty-five minute programmes
« L’Homme qui avait perdu sa voix » is purely and simply a musical which easily can be staged.
It concerns four singers (Bass, Baritone, Tenor, Mezzo-Soprano) and eleven instrumentalists (flute, clarinet, horn, trumpet, 4 stands of percussion, piano, violin, double bass).

The libretto, by René David :
- « Help ! help ! » a man shouts in the street.
- « What happens ? » three passers-by inquire. « What happens to you ? »
But the man has difficulty in giving explanations, since he has just lost ... - « What ? - His voice ! - Your voice !... Don’t worry », the passers-by assert, « we are going to find it back... » And they go in search of it ... And actually in the city they find many varied lost voices, that they hasten to bring him ... But he refuses them because no one is his, not even this superb bass voice that he adopts enthusiastically.
- « From now on, this voice is mine » he states, in a frenzy of delight.
But this vocal change will cause other very unexpected changes, in fact ... terrifying.

Translation of an extract from a letter dated 27/08/1987, written by Henri Dutilleux after listening the piece on radio :
« It is a real success and you found the unusual tone so perfectly in accordance with what you delivered to me about the spot (thanks to the notice joined to your letter) : very fortunate choice of the instrumental complex, suitable special effects, use of multiphonics and microtones, very skilful use of percussion, declamation a little bit « cranky » (just as needed), impressive progression leading to gigantism when coming to an end - all this while going through amusing episodes - like at beginning this curious little march which supports the characters in search of the voice, a certain « Ubuesque » side (at least I felt this way).
There are my impressions jumbled together. »

Publisher : Éditions Radio-France

