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Events of 2019 - 2020

Saturday 12 October 2019 at 6.30 p.m.


Ecole Normale de Musique de Paris, Munch Hall
Open Days to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the ENM ()
Concert by students from Christine Marchais'class (first sight reading) : works by composers linked to the Ecole Normale de Musique
"Couleurs" and "Contrastes" for guitar by Cheng Liu


Monday October 14, 2019 at 7 p.m.


Auditorium of the Conservatory of Villejuif
Concert of the “French Flute Orchestra” (Orchestre de Flûtes Français, OFF) conducted by Marc Hajjar
Le souffle de l’aurore” (The Breath of Dawn) for 12 flutes


Monday January 27, 2020 at 6.30 p.m.


Ecole Normale de Musique de Paris, Munch Hall
Concert by students from Christine Marchais (first sight reading) and Edith Lejet (composition)
classes :
"Emeraude" and "Rubis" for two flutes
by Mami Ueda and Miyuki Abe


Saturday February 8, 2020 at 6 p.m.


Conservatory of Music, Dance and Theater of Laon, Auditorium
Concert: "Portrait of Edith Lejet" by the Vocal Ensemble and instrumental classes of the Conservatory
In the program :
"Emeraude" and "Rubis" for two flutes
"Jade" for Saxophone and piano
"Tourbillons" for clarinet and piano
"Quatre Caprices" for solo violin (world premiere)
"Fleurs d’opale” (“Opal Flowers") for piano, by Louis Aronica
Etude” ("Study") for cello octet by Frédérique Aronica and her students (world premiere)
"Les mille-pattes" for equal choir and instrumental ensemble, conducted by Eric Munch.


Thursday March 5, 2020 at 7 p.m.


Saint-Marcel Lutheran Church
24, rue Pierre Nicole, 75005 - Paris
Fleurs d’opale” ("Opal Flowers") for piano, by Geneviève Ibanez


Wednesday May 6, 2020


Uploading to Youtube a video made on May 2, 2020 at the Mer Marine Museum in Bordeaux:
La houle à l’assaut des récifs” ("The swell assaulting the reefs") for cello solo by Alexis Descharmes.
Image capture and sound recording: Loïc Richard

Listen on Youtube


Friday July 3, 2020


CRR de Reims, auditorium: audio recording of the trio
"Les ombres du souvenir" (“shadows of memory”) for flute, viola and harp,
by Odile Renault, flute, Laurent Camatte, viola, and Elodie Reibaud, harp.
Recording by Nicolas Bouvier


Thursday August 6, 2020


Kruger Foundation, Mas de la Coûme, 66500 - Mosset
As part of Florentino Calvo's mandolin workshop, in preview,
"Sous les rutilements du jour" for plectrum orchestra
by the trainees, Florentino Calvo conductor.


Friday August 7, 2020 at 11 a.m.


Lugano, Conservatorio, Scuola universitaria di musica
Recital by guitarist Giuseppe Prete
Trois figures du Zodiaque: “Gémeaux”, “Lion” and “Balance” (Three figures of the Zodiac: "Gemini", "Leo" and "Libra")
Then on Saturday August 8, 2020 defense of his thesis (Master of Advanced Studies in Music Performance and Interpretation):
"Il suono come mimesi della voce: le Trois Figures du Zodiaque di Edith Lejet"


Participation in panels of jury members

« Marcel Bleustein-Blanchet pour la Vocation »  Foundation

Wednesday October 16, 2019


Member of the jury for the allocation of scholarships from the Marcel Bleustein-Blanchet Foundation for Vocation

Participation in a round table

Saturday, October 12, 2019 at 2 p.m.


Paris Normal School of Music, on the occasion of the centenary celebrations:
Participation in the round table-conference organized in conjunction with the Contemporary Music Documentation Center (CDMC): "the conditions of practice to be a female composer and the expectations of young female students for this profession": Mireille Larroche, Edith Lejet, Béatrice Thiriet, Ayumi Omori and Laure Marcel-Berlioz. Moderator: Michèle Tosi.


Tuesday November 26, Wednesday November 27 and Thursday November 28, 2019


Laon Conservatory
Preparation of the concert scheduled for February 8, 2020, "Portrait of Edith Lejet", intervention in the different classes concerned by the concert.
Work with the Conservatory Vocal Ensemble.


Teaching Composition at the Normal School of Music (Ecole Normale de Musique de Paris, Alfred Cortot)


Monday January 27, 2020 at 6.30 p.m.


Paris Normal School of Music, Munch Hall
Audition : pieces written by student composers from Edith Lejet’s class, played by instrumentalists from Christine Marchais' class.
The other planned events (annual concert, master classes or educational meetings) have been canceled due to the pandemic of COVID 19.

The other planned events (annual concert, master classes or educational meetings) have been canceled due to the pandemic of COVID 19.